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3.23 lakh plot owners in Haryana to benefit from change in stilt-plus-4 floor policy

Chandigarh, July 2 The Town and Country Planning Department (TCPD) today announced the benefits of stilt-plus-4 floors for approximately 3.23 lakh plot owners across Haryana. These owners, whose layout plans originally allowed for three floors and have access to...
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Chandigarh, July 2

The Town and Country Planning Department (TCPD) today announced the benefits of stilt-plus-4 floors for approximately 3.23 lakh plot owners across Haryana. These owners, whose layout plans originally allowed for three floors and have access to residential plots through 10 m or wider roads, will now be eligible for stilt-plus-4 floors, albeit with certain conditions. Of the total plot owners, 1.68 lakh are in HSVP sectors and 1.55 lakh in licensed colonies.


Consent from neighbours must

  • The applicant for stilt-plus-4 floors must submit a no-objection certificate (NOC) from adjoining plot owners. If neighbours refuse the consent, the plot owner must leave a side setback of 1.8 metres from adjoining plots for all floors
  • Cabinet Minister JP Dalal, who is handling the Town and Country Planning Department, said: “Adjoining plot owners who refuse to grant consent will be ineligible for stilt-plus-4 floor approvals on their plots in the future”

Builder lobby has won

We are taken aback by the decision. The builder lobby has won, and the state has ignored the plight of the people. This is sheer profiteering. The increased construction will have its ill-effects including overburdening the water supply and sewerage issues. General VP Malik (retd) , panchkula resident

Owners must submit a no-objection certificate (NOC) from adjoining plot owners. If neighbours refuse the consent, the plot owner must leave a side setback of 1.8 metres from adjoining plots for all floors.

Cabinet Minister JP Dalal, who is handling the Town and Country Planning Department, said: “Adjoining plot owners who refuse to grant consent will be ineligible for stilt-plus-4 floor approvals on their plots in the future.”


For plots eligible for stilt-plus-4 floors, construction of a basement storey is prohibited if the area is less than 250 sq mt. For areas greater than 250 sq mt, the basement storey is allowed with consent from neighbours. Construction of a common wall is permissible if the entire row of residential plots is taken in one go for approval of building plans and construction.

Residential plots in colonies or sectors, with approved layout plans allowing four dwelling units per plot, can have stilt-plus-4 floors without conditions. Similarly, in Deen Dyal Jan Awas Yojana (DDJAY) colonies, stilt-plus-4 floors are allowed without conditions if the services plan is revised for four dwelling units per plot. “There are 26,000 plots under DDJAY in Gurugram,” said Additional Chief Secretary Arun Gupta of the Town & Country Planning and Urban Estates Department.

Plots auctioned by Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP) with purchasable floor area ratio (FAR) and covered under conditions for building stilt-plus-4 floors can opt for construction or seek a refund with 8% interest. The application for refund must be submitted within 60 days of the order of the issuance date.

To facilitate infrastructure development in all sectors or colonies, Rs 1,178.95 crore collected from approvals of stilt-plus-4 floors plans will be released immediately to HSVP.

Grievance Redressal Committees will be established by agencies concerned to address complaints related to structural damage, parking problems, and infrastructure arising due to stilt-plus-4 floors construction. These grievances will be handled online. If the stilt area is partially or fully enclosed, the building plan approval or occupation certificate is deemed to be withdrawn.

For unauthorised construction of stilt-plus-4 floors, TCPD has prescribed a procedure for penalty assessment. The composition fee will be 10 times the rate specified for construction without approved building plans and the construction conforming to the provisions of the Haryana Building Code. If neighbours give consent during the raising of unauthorized construction, permission will be granted within 90 days of the composition of the offence application. If consent is denied, one more opportunity will be provided to complainants to give consent. In case, the applicant fails to get consent, a decision would be made via a speaking order.

Dalal said previously, permission was granted for FAR with the construction of 2.5 floors. Subsequently, if the owner wanted to construct the third or fourth floor, they had to pay an additional amount for FAR approval. The government has now increased the prescribed rates for plots larger than 250 square meters and up to 350 square meters by 25 per cent.

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