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7-yr-old boy drowns in waterlogged pit in Nuh

Gurugram, June 28 A boy died after drowning in a waterlogged pit at Pinangwan village in Nuh. Zubair (7), along with his friend Rihan, went to take a dip in the pit but drowned while Rihan managed to save...
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Gurugram, June 28

A boy died after drowning in a waterlogged pit at Pinangwan village in Nuh. Zubair (7), along with his friend Rihan, went to take a dip in the pit but drowned while Rihan managed to save himself. It took almost an hour for residents to retrieve his body.


The family said the pit filled with rainwater was situated on an empty plot near Idgah in Pinangwan village in Nuh.

The children of the village had gathered to play in that pit full of water. Among them were Zubair and Rihan. As the children were unaware of the depth of the pit, Zubair began drowning. Rihan somehow managed to get out and rushed to call for help. He reached Zubair’s house and informed his family and they rushed to the incident site. As the news spread, the entire village reached the spot but couldn’t spot Zubair. Many people jumped inside the pit but couldn’t find him. An earthmoving machine was pressed into service that drained out the water from the pit and pulled out Zubair’s body within an hour. The family did not file any complaint.


Ironically, nobody in the village cared to seek the help of the administration or the police in the rescue operation and even proceeded with the last rites of Zubair.

As the news went viral on social media various activists demanded action against the plot owner who had kept such a deep pit uncovered on the premises.

According to bylaws, in case of an empty plot, all pits and water tanks need to be covered to ensure no animal or human falls in it. A senior official of the administration said, “We have marked an inquiry and are on the lookout for the owner. Strict action will be initiated against the culprit.” Nuh police spokesperson said the family refused to file any complaint but the police were investigating the matter.

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