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Cold weather in Sirsa leads to unusual withering of neem trees , raises concern

Sirsa, April 1 Often during the autumn season, the leaves of trees turn yellow first and then gradually begin to fall, but at the same time, new shoots start to emerge. However, these days, neem trees in Sirsa district...
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Sirsa, April 1

Often during the autumn season, the leaves of trees turn yellow first and then gradually begin to fall, but at the same time, new shoots start to emerge. However, these days, neem trees in Sirsa district are exhibiting an oddly withered appearance, sparking discussions about them.


After the winter season, leaves of neem trees have suddenly dried up as if scorched by flames, and there are very few new shoots visible on these trees. This has led people to speculate that the trees may not turn green again.

Pushpendra Kumar, a gardener, explained the recent rains during the chilly season have also contributed to the drying of trees, as excessive acidic rainfall due to increased carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere adversely affects neem trees. The weather has also had an impact on the neem trees. It has been observed that initially, the neem tree’s branches turn black, and then gradually, they dry up. While the surrounding areas and roadside trees, such as Kikar, Shisham, and Babool, are lush green. This year, there has been more cold compared to the previous years, and neem trees are unable to withstand exces cold, leading to the problem.


Haripal, a range officer from the Forest Department in Sirsa, said such changes in weather patterns are being observed, as winter had started late and continued until the end of March. The delay in winter onset has significantly affected the neem trees in the region.

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