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Yamunanagar: Cops ‘attacked’ by theft suspect’s kin

Yamunanagar, June 16 Some residents of Deha Basti colony in Radaur allegedly misbehaved with a police team on Friday night. The police had reached the colony to nab a person in connection with the theft of tubewell motors. On the...
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Yamunanagar, June 16

Some residents of Deha Basti colony in Radaur allegedly misbehaved with a police team on Friday night. The police had reached the colony to nab a person in connection with the theft of tubewell motors. On the complaint of policeman Vijay Kumar, a case under Sections 186, 332, 353 and 506 of the IPC was registered at the Radaur police station against several persons, including Sukhbir, alias Bira, of Deha Basti colony. The complainant said electric motors were being stolen from tubewells in the area falling under the Jathlana police station for some time. He said cases were lodged in connection with these thefts. Vijay said they had received information on June 14 that Sukhbir and his accomplices were involved in these incidents. He said when the police team reached the colony at night, Sukhbir tried flee, but he was nabbed. “Family members and several other persons of the colony got Sukhbir freed forcibly from the police team. They misbehaved with police personnel and created hindrance in police personnel’s discharge of duty. They also used abusive language against them,” he said.

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