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Hisar: Dangling electricity wires pose a threat to residents

DANGLING electricity wires at a pole in Auto Market in Hisar are posing a threat to residents. There are chances that anybody can accidentally touch these wires, resulting in a mishap. Officials of the department concerned should take corrective measures...
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DANGLING electricity wires at a pole in Auto Market in Hisar are posing a threat to residents. There are chances that anybody can accidentally touch these wires, resulting in a mishap. Officials of the department concerned should take corrective measures to avoid any untoward incident. Surender Naran, Hisar

Withdrawal of extension fee sought

Many colonies in Sirsa have recently been transferred to the Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP) from Mandi Township. The HSVP has imposed the extension fee on residents residing in these localities. As residents have already been paying various taxes and bills, the HSVP should withdraw the extension fee.


Vijay Choudhry, Sirsa

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