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Gurugram: Ex-serviceman accidentally shoots self, dies

Gurugram, June 14 A 48-year-old ex-Army man died after he shot himself accidentally while he was cleaning his gun at his house at Pathredi village around 2.30 pm on Friday. The deceased was identified as Naresh Kumar, a resident...
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Gurugram, June 14

A 48-year-old ex-Army man died after he shot himself accidentally while he was cleaning his gun at his house at Pathredi village around 2.30 pm on Friday.


The deceased was identified as Naresh Kumar, a resident of Pathredi village in Bilaspur area. The ex-serviceman was working as a security guard in a private company in Gurugram.

It was learnt that he was cleaning his gun when a bullet was accidentally fired that hit him in the neck and he died on the spot.


Hearing the gunshot, family members and neighbours gathered in the room, where Naresh was found sitting position on a cot, with the gun leaning to his throat.

After getting information, a team from the Bilaspur police station reached the spot and took the gun and body into custody.

“A report has been lodged and the body will be handed over to the family after the postmortem,” said Sub-Inspector Sajid Hussain, the investigating officer.

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