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Eye on Assembly poll, govt takes up review of development projects

Several major projects hanging fire for years
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Bijendra Ahlawat

Faridabad, June 22


The district authorities have gone into hyperactive mode regarding the progress of various development projects lying stuck or withheld in view of the election process or due to technical and financial issues for long. The upcoming Assembly election is reported to be a factor for pushing the matter.

Departments and agencies, like the PWD, Faridabad Metropolitan Development Authority, HSVP, MC and Faridabad Smart City Limited, are expected to submit a progress report of projects that could be completed or launched prior to the Assembly poll, claim sources in the district administration.


Some projects that had been hanging fire for years had led to criticism and were a reason for anti-incumbency in the recently concluded Lok Sabha poll.

“Major projects like the bridge over Yamuna at Manjhawali village, Faridabad-Noida- Ghaziabad (FNG) expressway, Nahar Singh international cricket stadium renovation, Jewar airport expressway, Ballabhgarh elevated road, Faridabad interconnectivity project, and Metro connectivity with Gurugram and Palwal are yet to see the light of day,” says Varun Sheokand, a resident.

Though the PWD had released the tender for the appointment of a consultant to prepare the DPR of the FNG project, the file had been moving between various departments since 2013, when it was announced for the first time, said an official on condition of anonymity.

Approved by the NCR Planning Board, the authorities are yet to decide the budget share of various states, including Haryana, Delhi and UP, it is claimed. “Video conferencing by the higher authorities with district officials on various issues, including Samadhan Shivirs, and preparations to ensure the success of the programmes and policies have perhaps been taken up by the state government to improve its report card ahead of the poll,” said Avtar Krishan Gaur, a political and social analyst.

Pradeep Sindhu, Executive Engineer (PWD), said a review report of the projects was on and likely to be submitted soon.

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