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Four men rob bank at gunpoint in Panipat

Panipat, June 14 Four masked miscreants looted Rs 4 lakh at gunpoint from the PNB’s ‘Bank Mitra Shakha’ on the Babail road here today. The branch is run by Harish of Dhoop Singh Nagar. His brother Pradeep said the employees...
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Panipat, June 14

Four masked miscreants looted Rs 4 lakh at gunpoint from the PNB’s ‘Bank Mitra Shakha’ on the Babail road here today. The branch is run by Harish of Dhoop Singh Nagar. His brother Pradeep said the employees opened the branch at 10 am. After some time, four youths, their faces covered, came on a motorcycle and attacked the employees and took money from drawers at gunpoint.

As one of them started his motorcycle, Pradeep and others tried to stop them. This is when an accused attacked Pradeep’s hand with a sharp weapon and the duo ran away. They also caught one miscreant but he attacked Pradeep with a sharp-edged weapon and ran away, leaving the motorcycle behind. The miscreants also robbed a motorcycle, cash and valuables from one Rakesh near the Shiv temple close to Babail naka. Two cases have been registered.


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