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Gurugram set to get 700 smart streetlights

Gurugram, June 19 The Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) is installing smart and connected streetlights in Sectors 68-80. Over 700 streetlights are being installed along 10.3-km road stretch in these sectors. Being executed at an approximate cost of Rs 5...
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Gurugram, June 19

The Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) is installing smart and connected streetlights in Sectors 68-80.

Over 700 streetlights are being installed along 10.3-km road stretch in these sectors. Being executed at an approximate cost of Rs 5 crore, the work is slated to be completed within six months.


These smart lights will be connected and monitored by the Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC) and other remote devices of the GMDA.

The advanced technology integrated with these smart streetlights will also help in identifying incidence of thefts of lights, enable dimming during less traffic hours, and other remote activities for each streetlight.


Presently, these LED lights are being installed on master roads dividing sectors: 76-77, 75A-76, 75-75A, 73-74, 71-73, 70-75 70-70A, 68-69 and 68-70A.

“The provision of these smart and connected streetlights will be of immense benefit to commuters and will provide additional safety on the city roads. The use of cloud-based application will further enable officials to micro-manage and control the functioning of these lights,” said Amina Chawla, Executive Engineer, GMDA.

In the second phase of this project, the GMDA is planning to install approximately 900-1,000 additional smart streetlights along the internal roads in these sectors.

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