Labourer killed, two hurt as earth caves in at Gurugram
Gurugram, April 23 A labourer was killed while two others were injured after earth caved in during excavation of a basement at the construction site of a builder near Mevka village today. Other labourers created a ruckus at the site...
Gurugram, April 23
A labourer was killed while two others were injured after earth caved in during excavation of a basement at the construction site of a builder near Mevka village today. Other labourers created a ruckus at the site and smashed the panes of an ambulance that reached the spot. The body was sent to the mortuary. The deceased was identified as 31-year-old Siddhu Marandi. The condition of the other two is stable. “No safety equipment was provided to the workers,” said ACP (West) Shivarchan Sharma.