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Leopard strays into Panipat village, rescued

Panipat, June 16 A male leopard was rescued by a Wildlife Department team at Bhainswal village here on Sunday. According to information, farmers of Babail village spotted the leopard in Drain 2 at Bhainswal village on Sunday. Thereafter, they...
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Panipat, June 16

A male leopard was rescued by a Wildlife Department team at Bhainswal village here on Sunday. According to information, farmers of Babail village spotted the leopard in Drain 2 at Bhainswal village on Sunday. Thereafter, they informed Bhainswal village’s sarpanch about it. Meanwhile, the leopard hid inside a pipe in the drain.


After getting information, police and Wildlife Department officials reached the spot and started looking out for the leopard. They blocked the pipe from both sides with net and informed the Divisional Wildlife Officer at Rohtak.

Meanwhile, scores of villagers gathered to see the leopard. A veterinary surgeon tranquilised the leopard. After it became unconscious, officials rescued the leopard from the pipe and took it away with them in a cage.


Notably, Wildlife Departmment staff had been searching for the leopard for the past three days in the Sanoli area.

It has come to light that the leopard had killed a four-year-old girl in Uttar Pradesh, adjoining the Yamuna, on June 9. Thereafter, it entered Haryana villages. Despite several attempts, Divisional Wildlife Officer Rajeev Garg and other officials could not be contacted.

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