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Monkey menace in Rohtak

SIMIAN scare has become a big nuisance for the residents of Rohtak. Troops of monkeys can be seen roaming freely on streets, roads and in public parks, attacking the residents. The monkeys damage household items and take away eatables from...
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SIMIAN scare has become a big nuisance for the residents of Rohtak. Troops of monkeys can be seen roaming freely on streets, roads and in public parks, attacking the residents. The monkeys damage household items and take away eatables from houses. The authorities concerned should take some effective action in this regard soon.

Kanta Sharma, Rohtak

Wrong-side driving causing accidents


WRONG-side driving has become a big problem as many accidents have occurred due to this in the twin cities of Yamunanagar and Jagadhri. The movement of vehicles on the wrong side can be seen at various locations every day. This violation of traffic rules causes traffic jams as well. The traffic police should take strict action against the violators.

Arun Kumar, Yamunanagar


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