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MoU signed to promote innovation

Sonepat: BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Ruhil Future Technologies Private Limited (RFTPL) to promote innovation, incubation and entrepreneurship related skills among its students. Vice-Chancellor Sudesh said to make India a developed nation, it...
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Sonepat: BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Ruhil Future Technologies Private Limited (RFTPL) to promote innovation, incubation and entrepreneurship related skills among its students. Vice-Chancellor Sudesh said to make India a developed nation, it was necessary to recognise the skills of the youth and provide favourable conditions, motivate them and work on plans to convert ideas into start-ups. Executive Director of RFTPL Bala Devi Ruhil and Assistant Director Lalit Raina said that there was no dearth of talent and skills among the students. This MoU would prove to be extremely beneficial in developing new ideas of the students. The MoU was signed by Registrar Neelam Malik —on behalf of BPSMV — and Bala Ruhil — on behalf of RFTPL.

Design institute hosts ias officers

Kurukshetra: National Institute of Design, Haryana, hosted four IAS officers of 2022 batch posted as Assistant Secretaries in the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade IT, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, for a two-day design education and practice exposure visit. Attending officers had a great exposure on design education and the profession of designers, which may assist them to plan and implement public policy projects. The visit concluded with a design thinking workshop for the attending officers. Dr Vanita Ahuja, director, NIDH, expressed that the institute was thankful for the opportunity to contribute in familiarising the policy makers of our nation regarding design education and for utilising design thinking for public policy projects. She added that the institute looked forward to contributing more in a diversified manner involving other government officers for such similar initiatives.


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