To pacify disgruntled BJP leader Karan Dev Kamboj, Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini visited his residence in Mandhar village of Yamunanagar district this evening. Kamboj was unhappy after being denied the party ticket from the Radaur segment of the district. He resigned from the post of the president of the BJP OBC Morcha, Haryana, and other party posts.
“CM Nayab Singh Saini came to my residence in Mandhar village. He assured me that he would speak to BJP national president JP Nadda and other senior party leaders to discuss my ticket either from Radaur or Indri. He will tell me about the decision of the party leaders by 8 am on Friday,” Kamboj told The Tribune over the phone.
He said that a meeting of the party workers had been called in Radaur town tomorrow.