NPTI launches cyber security training
A week-long basic-level cyber security training and certification programme was inaugurated at the National Power Training Institute (NPTI) corporate office on Tuesday.
The Director General of NPTI, Dr Tripta Thakur, said the programme is designed to raise awareness about protecting the power sector from cyber-attacks and potential blackouts. The training, which runs until February 7, was inaugurated by GAK Tripathi, Advisor and Scientist in the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE). The event is being attended by officials from both public and private sector organisations, with the majority of participants coming from the MNRE, many of whom are attending a cyber-security training for the first time.
Dr Thakur said the programme would cover key topics such as cyber risk management, modes of attack, network security, application security and best practices for maintaining cyber safety. He said participants would also receive hands-on training in the institute’s cyber security lab. The sessions will include practical insights into various forms of cyber-attacks, such as malware (software that damages or disables systems), phishing (fraudulent attempts to obtain personal data) and ransomware (malicious software that locks files and demands payment to release them), which can overload systems and render them unusable.
At the inauguration, AK Tripathi highlighted the importance of securing renewable energy power plants from cyber threats, noting that building a robust cyber security framework in the power sector is crucial. He emphasised breaches in power sector security could lead to critical vulnerabilities, affecting the reliable supply of electricity, which is essential for the country’s development goals.