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Of 775 plaints, 542 resolved in nine days

Sirsa, June 22 On the ninth day of the ongoing Samadhan Shivir at the district Deputy Commissioner’s office, 66 problems were presented on Friday. Many of these were resolved on the spot, while the officials were instructed to address the...
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Sirsa, June 22

On the ninth day of the ongoing Samadhan Shivir at the district Deputy Commissioner’s office, 66 problems were presented on Friday. Many of these were resolved on the spot, while the officials were instructed to address the remaining ones. So far, a total of 775 complaints have been reported, of which 542 have been resolved. Efforts are under way to resolve the remaining 233 as well.

Most of the complaints at the resolution camp have been related to family IDs. Prahlad Singh from Rupavas village approached the officials at the shivir regarding the removal of his daughter’s name from their family ID. At the government’s Samadhan Shivir, he presented his problem to the DC, who promptly resolved it.


Kishanlal of Mehna Khera village came with the complaint of land division not being completed due to the absence of a Tehsildar in his area. The DC immediately assigned the duty to a Naib Tehsildar to resolve the problem.

On the occasion, DC RK Singh said the resolution camp is a special initiative by the state government, wherein public grievances are taken very seriously. Many problems are resolved on the spot, while those requiring more time are addressed within a day or two, and the concerned parties are informed accordingly. He added that complaints requiring resolution at the headquarter level are now directly sent to the resolution cell, where senior officials monitor the progress.


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