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Police turn sweet, quench thirst of locals with cool drinks

Palwal, June 1 The local police department, known for its commitment to upholding law and order, showcased its compassionate side today by reaching out to the community in a unique way. Amidst sweltering temperatures, they established a special stall...
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Palwal, June 1

The local police department, known for its commitment to upholding law and order, showcased its compassionate side today by reaching out to the community in a unique way. Amidst sweltering temperatures, they established a special stall in Hodal town, offering refreshing sweetened water to commuters and locals alike.


Sanjay Kumar, a spokesperson for the police department, described how a chhabeel stall was set up outside the main police station, where officers, along with dedicated local volunteers, tirelessly served cold drinking water to visitors for hours on end. This initiative, named ‘Jal Sewa’, provided much-needed relief to a large number of residents enduring the heat.

Mohammed Ilyas, Station House Officer of the Hodal Police Station, highlighted the crucial need for such stalls, especially for individuals who venture out in the scorching weather without access to water, putting them at risk of dehydration. Recognising their social responsibility, the department took proactive steps to mitigate this risk by setting up the stall.


Furthermore, Ilyas announced the department’s commitment to environmental conservation, revealing plans for active participation in an upcoming plantation drive during the monsoon season.

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