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Rohtak village quack arrested after raid by CM’s squad

Rohtak, June 20 A man was arrested after he was found allegedly practising allopathy without a valid degree or licence. Action was taken against him during a raid by a team of the CM flying squad at a clinic...
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Rohtak, June 20

A man was arrested after he was found allegedly practising allopathy without a valid degree or licence. Action was taken against him during a raid by a team of the CM flying squad at a clinic in Bainsi village of the district on Wednesday.


Senior Medical Officer (SMO) Dr Sandeep, who accompanied the CM flying squad team, said Satyawan of Ajayab village was running a clinic from rented space at Bainsi village. “On being asked about his degree and practising licence, he showed a certificate of the Government Ayurvedic and Unani Medical Council, Bihar. However, it was found that allopathic medicines and equipment were being used at the clinic,” said the SMO.

On a complaint of the SMO, a case under Section 34 of the National Medical Commission Act, 2019, and Section 420 of the IPC was registered against Satyawan. The accused was booked on charges of endangering the lives of patients by practising allopathy without a valid degree or licence. Inspector Samarjeet Singh, SHO, Lakhan Majra police station, said Satyawan was arrested and released on bail, while the investigation into the case is underway.


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