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Remove strays from streets

THE residential areas in Kurukshetra city are plagued by the presence of stray oxen and cows. These animals are highly unpredictable and, thus, a threat to the safety of commuters, especially children. The municipal council has failed to take the...
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THE residential areas in Kurukshetra city are plagued by the presence of stray oxen and cows. These animals are highly unpredictable and, thus, a threat to the safety of commuters, especially children. The municipal council has failed to take the necessary measures to remove them. The authorities concerned should take action before these animals harm someone. Ravinder Malik, Kurukshetra

Theft incidents increase in Ansal township

DUE to the lack of a boundary wall in Ansal Town, Sector 20, there have been multiple incidents of theft. There are five open entry points into the township. Last week, miscreants stole copper wires, kitchen sinks, taps and other valuables worth Rs 3 lakh from an under-construction house. Earlier too, many incidents of theft were reported from under-construction houses due to the lack of proper security. The security cameras in the area have been defunct for several months. Repeated requests for the construction of a boundary wall, repair of cameras and proper security system have fallen on deaf ears. NK Dhiman, Jagadhri


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