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Rise in humidity driving snakes into Sirsa homes

Sirsa, June 2 Due to recent rainfall in the area, the temperature has slightly decreased, increasing the humidity and causing more difficulties for everyone. The increased humidity is driving poisonous snakes out of the ground, and in their search...
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Sirsa, June 2

Due to recent rainfall in the area, the temperature has slightly decreased, increasing the humidity and causing more difficulties for everyone. The increased humidity is driving poisonous snakes out of the ground, and in their search for cool places, they are entering people’s homes. Wildlife rescue teams are being called since such incidents are increasing.


Such an incident occurred last night in Kukdanwali village in Fatehabad, when a distressed cobra entered a house, causing panic among the residents. In another incident, a snake with 50 teeth entered a house in the Malaram Colony of Tohana in Fatehabad district, spreading fear among the family.

In the first incident, Maniram Gurjar, from Kukdanwali village, Fatehabad, said the sudden sighting of a snake in his house scared the family, after which they immediately informed a snake catcher. Upon receiving the information, Pawan Jogpal, a snake catcher arrived on the scene. Jogpal found the snake to be a cobra. The snake was sitting in a corner of the house. It was safely rescued and released into the forest. He said this was not an ordinary snake, but venomous one. He advised that if bitten by a snake, one should go directly to the district hospital for treatment instead of relying on traditional remedies. He explained that due to the humid conditions caused by the rain, snakes are emerging because the ground becomes too warm, and they look for cool places near homes.


In another incident in the Malaram Colony of Tohana, there was a commotion on Sunday in a new house under construction when workers saw a snake near the bricks.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) member Navjot Singh Dhillon and his team were called to handle the situation. Dhillon saw the snake hiding among the bricks and managed to catch it after several efforts. Dhillon said the captured reptile was a wolf snake. It has 50 saw-like sharp teeth. Although the snake is not venomous, it does not fear and immediately attacks if provoked.

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