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Rohtak SDM inspects waterworks amid complaints of erratic supply

Power officials told not to impose cuts at time of water supply
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Sunit Dhawan

Rohtak, June 15


Rohtak SDM Ashish Kumar visited the waterworks in Rohtak city and inspected the water supply arrangements made by the Public Health and Engineering Department (PHED) on Saturday.

The SDM, who was accompanied by PHED Executive Engineer Tarun Garg and other officials concerned, checked the level of water in the storage tanks at the waterworks. After inspecting the tanks he said sufficient water was available for the city.


“Water is being supplied once a day from waterworks No.1 and 3, and twice a day from Waterwork No. 2. Water stopped in the JLN Canal is being delivered to the houses of residents,” he said, adding that efforts were being made by the department to ensure provision of drinking water to all residents through boosters.

He pointed out that water was being collected in the JLN Canal and transported to waterworks through pump sets.

SDM Ashish further said that water supply was being ensured to the outer areas of the city, HSVP sectors and Bohar village from Waterwork No. 3 through boosters, adding that the department was working continuously to ensure a continuous water supply in Bohar village.

The SDM said that the drinking water connections of the residents of Mahavir Colony which were affected due to the cutting of the stormwater pipeline were being restored and the road was also being repaired.

“Power nigam officials have been instructed to coordinate with the Public Health and Engineering Department officials and to ensure power supply at the time of water supply and if any power cut is being imposed at the said time, due to any reason, then prior information should be given to the officials of the public health department,” he asserted.

The residents of Rohtak city have faced acute shortage of drinking water. Adding insult to injury is the contaminated water that was supplied to their homes in past months. The residents complained either of no water or murky water being supplied for drinking. The affected residents, along with representatives of different parties associated with the INDI Alliance, had staged a massive protest over the issue recently. Frequent protests have been staged by residents over the erratic supply of water and electricity in the city. The residents have lately resorted to installing borewells and submersible pumps to ensure regular and adequate supply.

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