Sonepat, Panipat centres see sudden rush
Mukesh Tandon
Panipat, June 20
The Samadhan Shivir campaign launched by the state government has been gaining popularity as the number of complainants, showing up to get their cases resolved, increase by the day in Sonepat and Panipat districts.
Rectify mistakes in PPP at camps
People can correct/update their names, date of birth, caste verification, bank account numbers, marriage status, mobile number in PPP, etc, by visiting the camps being organised in the rural and urban areas of the district. — Manoj Kumar, Sonepat DC
In Panipat, on the first day of the campaign, only 39 complaints were received which went up to 207 on Wednesday, while in Sonepat 47 complaints were received on the first day which reached 133 today.
People raised problems related to Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP), property IDs, below poverty line cards (BPL), pension, revenue among others during these camps.
According to the details procured in Panipat, 39 people showed up at the Mini-Secretariat to get their issues resolved on June 11. On the following day the figure reached 112, and on the third day (June 13) 161 people showed up at the DC office to get their grievances resolved.
On June 14, a total of 174 people showed up, seeking resolutions to their problems and on June 18, 215 complainants met DC Virender Kumar Dahiya. A total of 204 people came with their complaints on June 19, while 153 complainants came on June 20.
In Panipat, out of the total 207 complaints received on Wednesday — 105 were PPP-related, 19 were related to the police department, 12 to property IDs, 34 were pension related, 7 were related to revenue, 10 to village matters, 4 to power department and 16 to various departments.
Similarly in Sonepat, the campaign started with receiving 47 complaints on the first day, which rose to 77 on June 12. A total of 98 people came to DC Manoj Kumar on June 13, while 99 people showe up on June 14. Ninety-six people showed up at the Mini-Secretariat with their complaints on June 18, while 104 people reached with their complaints on June 19 and 133 on June 20. Sonepat MC Commissioner Virshram Kumar Meena heard the problems related to the municipal corporation and assured people of resolving their problems on priority.
Sonepat DC said, “People can correct/update their names, date of birth, caste verification, bank account numbers, marriage status, mobile number in PPP by visiting the camps, being organised in the rural and urban areas of the district.”
Panipat DC said, “People from across districts are coming to get solutions to their problems. The officials concerned have been directed to show up at the Samadhan Shivirs on time and provide solutions to people’s problems on priority otherwise, stern action will be initiated against them.”
He also warned the officials of blocking their salary if any complaints of lackadaisical attitude were received.