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Stray dog menace on the rise in twin cities

It seems that the Municipal Corporation is not seriously working towards tackling the problem of stray dogs. Packs of such dogs can be seen roaming anywhere in the twin cities. Lone pedestrians and children are facing their wrath and getting...
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It seems that the Municipal Corporation is not seriously working towards tackling the problem of stray dogs. Packs of such dogs can be seen roaming anywhere in the twin cities. Lone pedestrians and children are facing their wrath and getting attacked by them. The authorities of the civic body should pay immediate attention to solve the problem. Vishnu Sharma, Jagadhri

Need for renovation of Railway Colony area

The DAV Co-educational High School, Jagadhri Workshop, is playing a substantial role in providing education to children of railway employees, as well as of surrounding rural areas. However, there is lack of a healthy environment in the Railway Colony area. The roads are not in a good condition, with congress grass growing in excess. The drains in the area remain clogged and filthy. There is an urgent need to renovate the area for the welfare of public. The Ministry of Railways should pay attention to solve these problems. Vijay Kapur, Yamunanagar


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