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Unauthorised dairies a health hazard

Unauthorised dairies are being operated in residential areas of Yamunanagar and Jagadhri. The dairy owners dump cowdung in the open, posing health hazards to residents. The MC authorities should find a solution to the problem on priority. The civic body...
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Unauthorised dairies are being operated in residential areas of Yamunanagar and Jagadhri. The dairy owners dump cowdung in the open, posing health hazards to residents. The MC authorities should find a solution to the problem on priority. The civic body should provide an alternative site to the dairy owners so that they can carry out their work outside the city area. Vishnu Sharma, Jagadhri

Dumping grounds in Residential areas lead to poor Sanitation

T he authorities concerned should shift dumping grounds and garbage collection points from residential areas to isolated areas. Garbage gets scattered due to strong winds, leading to poor sanitary conditions. The authorities should ensure that dumping grounds are situated away from residential areas. Jagmohan, Kurukshetra


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