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University doing its bit to keep birds cool in heat

Sirsa, June 1 In view of the increasing heat, JCD Vidyapeeth has taken the initiative of arranging drinking water for animals and birds on its campus in earthen pots. Director-General Kuldip Singh Dhindsa said this step was important to maintain...
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Sirsa, June 1

In view of the increasing heat, JCD Vidyapeeth has taken the initiative of arranging drinking water for animals and birds on its campus in earthen pots. Director-General Kuldip Singh Dhindsa said this step was important to maintain biodiversity.

Dr Dhindsa explained that amid the rising heat and changing weather, there was scarcity of water for birds and animals, which was a serious threat to their lives. He said, “During the summer the demand for water increases not only among human beings but birds and animals, too. Taking this under consideration we have placed earthen pots and bowls on the trees that are on our campus for easy access to animals and birds.”


The aim of this initiative is not only to provide water to animals and birds but also to spread awareness about environmental conservation and peaceful coexistence.

He also said, “We plan to spread this initiative widely and inspire other institutions and communities to take similar steps. Environmental protection is a collective responsibility, and we all should contribute to it.”


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