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Chaudhary Bansi Lal University V-C hears out issues of colleges

Bhiwani: The Vice-Chancellor of Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Deepti Dharmani, on Tuesday convened a meeting of the principals of the BEd colleges affiliated to the university. The Vice-Chancellor said there is a need to maintain quality in courses being offered...
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Bhiwani: The Vice-Chancellor of Chaudhary Bansi Lal University, Deepti Dharmani, on Tuesday convened a meeting of the principals of the BEd colleges affiliated to the university. The Vice-Chancellor said there is a need to maintain quality in courses being offered to students. She also listened to the issues of the BEd colleges and assured the principals of finding a solution to their problems.

V-C Narsi Ram Bishnoi unveils the official poster of the conference in Hisar on Tuesday. Tribune Photo

Int’l conference from Nov 14-17


Hisar: The 65th annual meeting and an international conference of the Association of Microbiologists of India will be held from November 14 to 17 at Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar. The theme of the conference, which will be jointly hosted by the university and the association, is ‘Perspectives of Microbes for Human Welfare’. Vice-Chancellor Narsi Ram Bishnoi unveiled the official poster of the conference. He said more than 40 distinguished international speakers from 35 countries have confirmed their participation.

Over 20K to sit for compartment exam


Bhiwani: The Board of School Education, Bhiwani, will conduct a one-day examination of Senior Secondary (Academic) Compartment on July 3. As many as 20,707 candidates —12,529 boys and 8,178 girls — will appear for the examination at 75 examination centres across the state. The exam will be held from 2 pm to 5 pm.

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