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What Our Readers Say: No respite from garbage mounds in gurugram

There seems to be no respite from sanitation crisis for Gurugram residents. Sector 23-A is one of the most filthy sectors in the city, where heaps of garbage can be seen almost everywhere, with mounds increasing by the day. We...
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There seems to be no respite from sanitation crisis for Gurugram residents. Sector 23-A is one of the most filthy sectors in the city, where heaps of garbage can be seen almost everywhere, with mounds increasing by the day. We have been asking the Municipal Corporation repeatedly to help us in removing this trash, but to no avail. The garbage has started decaying and air in the entire sector is filled with stench. —Neeru, Gurugram

Need to ensure proper cleanliness

Residents of Kothi Kaniya Lal, which is located behind Pili Kothi in Delhi-6, are facing inconvenience due to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi’s (MCD’s) negligent and lackadaisical approach towards sanitation. Despite numerous complaints, the civic body has failed to ensure that the area is cleaned regularly. Workers skipping their daily sanitation routine does not help the matters either. The MCD must ensure proper cleanliness in the locality. —Vishal, Daryaganj, Delhi


Repair Badkhal flyover soon

The railway line and the Mathura Road divide Faridabad into east and west Faridabad. The Badkhal flyover over the railway line links the east and west parts of Faridabad. Thousands of vehicles ply on this flyover daily, yet it continues to be in a poor condition. A lot of public money was recently spent to repair one side of the road. However, the section has returned to its earlier damaged state within six months, while the other side remains dotted with pits. This had led to many mishaps in the area. The department concerned should get it repaired immediately. —Devinder S Surjewala, Faridabad


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