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What Our Readers Say: Panipat Sector 12 lacks proper drainage

THE entry point to the Sector 12 market complex was deep in water after the season’s first shower as there is no provision for proper drainage there. The sewer has been choked and damaged for a long time. Residents, commuters...
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THE entry point to the Sector 12 market complex was deep in water after the season’s first shower as there is no provision for proper drainage there. The sewer has been choked and damaged for a long time. Residents, commuters and shopkeepers face problems every day because it’s a busy market, with several coaching centres, banks and shops in the complex. The authorities concerned should resolve the problem of waterlogging before the monsoon sets in. —Anil Rewri, Panipat

Encroachments in Hisar

SOME persons have been encroaching upon the Sector 1-4 road in Hisar for the last two years, under the pretext of religious activities. But the HSVP officials seem to have turned a blind eye to these encroachments. The authorities concerned must take steps to free the land of these law-breakers before it is too late. —Satish Sharma, Hisar


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