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34 hospitals in state to have CT scan facility

The state government will set up CT scan facility in its 34 regional and civil hospitals across the state on pubic private partnership mode. While the advanced 64 slice CT scan facility will be set up in the hospitals having...
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The state government will set up CT scan facility in its 34 regional and civil hospitals across the state on pubic private partnership mode.

While the advanced 64 slice CT scan facility will be set up in the hospitals having higher patent footfall, a 16 slice CT scan facility will be installed in 24 hospitals with lighter patient load.

The Himachal Pradesh Medical Services Corporation Limited (HPMSCL), which has been established as the state procurement agency for purchase and distribution of all medicines, medical consumables, equipment, etc., has floated Request for Proposal (RFP) from eligible companies and consortiums.


As per the RFP, the service provider will procure all equipment, material, qualified staff/consultants and required manpower and provide 24x7 CT Scan service to patients. The service provider will be responsible for procurement, operation and management and maintenance of all the equipment and other required medical and non-medical items. The health institution will provide space and power to the service provider to install the facility.

All the consultants, specialists, nurses, technicians, para-medical staff and all other manpower will have to be arranged by the service provider for the centre at his own cost. The staff deployed should be adequately trained.


Director Health Service Dr Prakash Chand Daroch said having CT scans in these hospitals would reduce the load on major hospitals. “With these many hospitals equipped with CT scan facility, the patients will not need to rush major hospitals like the IGMC, where there’s already a huge footfall of patients. Having this facility in hospitals close to their homes will add to the patient comfort and convenience,” said Dr Daroch.

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