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Apple production unlikely to top 6 LMT in Himachal, growers wary of weather

Subhash Rajta Shimla, July 2 For the second consecutive year, apple production in the state is unlikely to touch the figure of six lakh metric ton. As per the estimate of the Horticulture Department, the apple production this year would...
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Subhash Rajta

Shimla, July 2


For the second consecutive year, apple production in the state is unlikely to touch the figure of six lakh metric ton.

As per the estimate of the Horticulture Department, the apple production this year would be around 5.82 lakh metric tonne. Last year, the total production was 5.06 lakh metric tonne. Overall, the state recorded the highest yield in 2010 (8.92MT). Despite a steady increase in the area under apple cultivation after 2010, the state has never come even close to the highest production in the last 15 years.


Highest yield of 8.92MT recorded in 2010

  • The apple production this year would be around 5.82 lakh metric tonne.
  • Last year, the total production was 5.06 lakh metric tonne.
  • The state recorded the highest yield in 2010 (8.92MT).
  • Erratic weather and declining production have left the apple growers worried. They feel that the impact of climate change on apple yield is not being discussed as seriously as required.

“The production has been hit due to factors beyond our control last year and this year. Last year, excessive rain led to significant reduction in production and this year drought played a spoilsport at the time of flowering and fruit setting,” said C Paulrasu, Secretary, Horticulture.

Considering the weather becoming too erratic, Paulrasu feels the horticulturalists should opt for water-efficient farming. “They should explore the possibilities of constructing tanks, borewells for timely irrigation. There are subsidies available for the purpose of irrigation,” he said. Besides, he said, the government has provided good planting material to the growers under the World Bank-aided Horticulture Development Project to enhance the production.

Meanwhile, the erratic weather and declining production have left the apple growers quite worried. They feel that the impact of climate change on apple yield is not being discussed as seriously as required. “The matter needs a comprehensive study where the government needs bring together all stakeholders, namely horticulture university, horticulture department and apple growers. We need a long term strategy to cope with this challenge,” said Harish Chauhan, convener, Sanyukt Kisan Manch.

Sanjeev Thakur, president of the Chuwara Apple Valley Society, feels there’s no focus on climate change and declining production at the moment. “These issues are not taken up in big seminars on apple. The issue needs immediate focus to keep apple cultivation sustainable,” said Thakur, adding that growers can’t be left to face this challenge on their own.

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