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Cracked road near Kasumpti

THE Kasumpti-Chhota Shimla road near Kasumpti has started to develop cracks and needs to be repaired by the authorities. These cracks could lead to landslides if the area witnesses excessive rainfall in the coming days. The authorities are requested to...
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THE Kasumpti-Chhota Shimla road near Kasumpti has started to develop cracks and needs to be repaired by the authorities. These cracks could lead to landslides if the area witnesses excessive rainfall in the coming days. The authorities are requested to kindly examine these cracks and take action to fix the road on priority. Anand, Shimla

Poor management at exam centres

STUDENTS had to face a lot of inconvenience while appearing for the Himachal Pradesh University examinations as many students were not provided proper seating in the examination centres. When students reached the university, they were not able to find their roll numbers on the seating plan. This is not acceptable and the authorities must take cognisance of this matter.


Abhilasha, Shimla

Roadside parking across Shimla


A lot of vehicles are parked on the Shimla roadsides, leading to frequent traffic jams. Many commuters are often late to their destinations due to this. The police are requested to take action against people who park their vehicles on the roadside. Nitin, Shimla

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