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Dept intensifies patrol to curb illegal fishing in Pong Wetland

In order to check illicit fishing in the Pong Wetland in lower Kangra region, the Fisheries Department has intensified its drive against offenders. The field staff of the department, led by Fisheries Officer Pankaj Patial, is patrolling the Wetland area...
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Fisherman use illegal nets to catch fish in Pong Wetland.

In order to check illicit fishing in the Pong Wetland in lower Kangra region, the Fisheries Department has intensified its drive against offenders. The field staff of the department, led by Fisheries Officer Pankaj Patial, is patrolling the Wetland area using a motor boat.

As per information given by Officer Pankaj Patial, the department has detected 12 cases of illicit fishing and seized 13 undersized nets being used by the fishermen in the last week. Assistant Director, Fisheries Department, Sandeep Kumar, told The Tribune that he had been receiving complaints of illicit fishing in the Pong Wetland and a field inspection team had been deployed to check the illegal activities. He said the use of undersize fishing nets and fishing before 4 pm was not allowed.

Kumar said offenders were found using undersize fishing nets round the clock in the wetland and the department had issued strict warning to violators. “The department will further intensify its drive against illicit fishing. Licences of habitual offenders will be annulled if they are again found violating the rules,” he said. He added that the department had detected 284 illegal fishing cases during 2024-25 and realised compensation to the tune of Rs 1,74,640 from the offenders.


As per information, 2,300 fishermen — who are registered with 15 fisheries societies operating at this wetland — have been earning their livelihood here for several years. The department imposes a two-month fishing ban during the breeding season every year from June 16 to August 15. During the period, each fisherman is paid Rs 4,500 as financial relief, in which the beneficiary has to contribute Rs 1,500.

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