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Entomology quiz at Himachal farm varsity

Palampur, June 17 Vice-Chancellor DK Vatsa inaugurated “Entomology Quiz-2024”, organised by the Entomological Club of the Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, yesterday. Speaking on the occasion, he said the initiative was...
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Palampur, June 17

Vice-Chancellor DK Vatsa inaugurated “Entomology Quiz-2024”, organised by the Entomological Club of the Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, yesterday.


Speaking on the occasion, he said the initiative was a testament to the department’s commitment to fostering academic excellence and preparing students for the challenges and opportunities in the field of Agricultural Entomology.

The event aimed to aid the enthusiasm of aspiring agricultural graduate and post-graduate students in the field of agricultural entomology.


Students of undergraduate and post-graduate courses specialising in entomology took part in the quiz.

Eight teams of four participants each competed.

The competition featured five rounds — choice, no-choice, audio-visual, fastest-finger-first and rapid fire.

Dean (Postgraduate Studies) RK Kapila was the guest of honour at the event.

Head of Department Ajay Sood apprised the gathering about the Entomological Club and the quiz, coordinated by Suman Sanjta.

Team Lepidoptera — Akshita, Shashwat Sood, Arpit Chopra and Harshit Agnihotri — won the quiz. The second and third positions were bagged by the team Odonata — Ritika, Manoj Salunkhe, Ananya Kumar, Tanvi Sharma — and team Diptera — Ritesh, Diksha Thakur, Simran Kotia and Sheetal Katoch — respectively.

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