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Garbage mars Kufri’s image

THERE is a lot of garbage scattered around a bin about 100 metres from the Kufri market. It seems trash has not been picked up from the spot for quite some time. Kufri is a tourist place and visitors come...
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THERE is a lot of garbage scattered around a bin about 100 metres from the Kufri market. It seems trash has not been picked up from the spot for quite some time. Kufri is a tourist place and visitors come here from across the country. The filth thrown on the road leaves a very bad impression on the visitors. The authorities concerned should ensure that waste is cleared at the earliest. Ajay, Shimla

Water shortage for over 10 days

THE Ragyan area in Shimla has not received drinking water for over 10 days now, which is a matter of great concern. The situation has gone from bad to worse as, generally during the summers, the area used to receive drinking water supply after a span of about five days; however, this year, the residents’ wait for water has stretched to over 10 days. The authorities concerned should provide drinking water to Ragyan as soon as possible.


Kiran, Shimla

Traffic jams commuters’ nightmare


TRAVELLING to Shimla from Totu has become a headache as people have to sit through long traffic jams during office hours. Officergoers and students are late on the regular due to frequent traffic snarls. The police must come up with an effective plan to streamline traffic and reduce jams in Shimla. Rakesh, Shimla

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