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Himachal Govt lost majority, has no right to remain in power, says ex-CM Jai Ram Thakur

Mandi, March 10 Leader of the Opposition Jai Ram Thakur today said Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu’s statement made during the Shivratri fair showed his frustration. Sukhu had targeted Thakur in his home turf Mandi during the inauguration of...
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Mandi, March 10

Leader of the Opposition Jai Ram Thakur today said Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu’s statement made during the Shivratri fair showed his frustration.


Sukhu had targeted Thakur in his home turf Mandi during the inauguration of the international Shivratri fair. He said that the previous BJP government was corrupt, leaving Thakur in red.

Thakur was at Sundernagar today to attend a party function. He later inaugurated a BJP office at Gutkar in the Balh Assembly constituency of Mandi.


He said that the Chief Minister was raising questions on Congress MLAs while the latter said that they would go wherever they wanted. Instead of questioning his MLAs, the Chief Minister should ask himself how the situation got so out of hand.

He also said: “It seems the Congress MLAs, who are in Shimla today, have been put under ‘Z-Plus’ security. They have a pilot in front and an escort behind. Even at night, the police peep into their houses to make sure they are at home. This is the condition Congress MLAs.”

“The international Shivratri festival of Mandi has always been inaugurated by the CM but the political statements made by him at the inauguration was unfortunate. The Sukhu government has lost its majority and does not have the moral right to remain in power. During the budget session, the entire country saw how Congress somehow saved its government by strangulating democratic values. Had the 15 BJP MLAs not been wrongly expelled, the Congress government would have fallen during the Budget session,” he added.

Thakur said, “The Chief Minister is trying to cheat the women of the state with the Mahila Samman Nidhi scheme, which was announced without budgetary provisions. Neither the rules for eligibility are clear nor have the number of beneficiaries been disclosed. Whatever figures have been being given by the CM are baseless. It is clear that samman nidhi yojana was a Congress’ election gimmick, which it had used once in the Assembly elections.”

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