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Heavens may give rain relief to Himachal voters

Shimla, May 31 In what could be a big respite to voters on the polling day, the Weather Department has issued a forecast for rain at isolated places in plains and mid hills of the state for tomorrow. In high...
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Shimla, May 31

In what could be a big respite to voters on the polling day, the Weather Department has issued a forecast for rain at isolated places in plains and mid hills of the state for tomorrow. In high hills, there is forecast for rain/snow at a few places.

With temperatures hovering at record highs across the state over the past few days and several areas experiencing heatwave conditions, hot weather could deter some voters from turning out to cast their vote, especially elderly and sick.


“It’s difficult to step out during daytime. The mercury is touching 45° C. If there’s some respite from heat, more people will come out to vote,” said an Una resident.

The district administrations are busy ensuring that people turn out in large numbers to vote despite the heat. “We will have covered the areas where voters will queue up. Besides, water and ORS will be made available at all polling booths to people,” said Jatin Lal, Deputy Commissioner, Una.


Meanwhile, heatwave conditions continue to prevail in Mandi, Sirmaur, Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Una, Solan and Kangra districts.

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