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Illegal timber seized in Nahan

Truck driver didn’t have documents for wood
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Nahan, June 18

The Forest Department team in the Nahan Forest Division has impounded a pickup vehicle loaded with illegal timber in the Jamta forest range. Legal proceedings have been initiated against three suspects, and a formal complaint has been lodged in this regard at the Nahan police station.


According to reports, a Forest Department patrol team was conducting surveillance in the Barman Beat area on Monday morning, around 3 am, a Forest Department patrol team was conducting surveillance in the Barman Beat area. During the operation, they intercepted a pickup truck on the Jamta-Mahipur road near Khark village for inspection. Upon checking, the team discovered timber of pine trees in the vehicle. The driver could not produce any documentation for the timber.

The individuals found in the pickup were identified as Aslam, a resident of Chalog Vyas, Rajgarh, and Sanjeev Kumar Maithili, from Sair Tendula Nauhradhar. Another individual, identified as Akbar, fled the scene.


Subsequently, the Forest Department team seized the vehicle and transported it to the Jamta office. A forest official said the timber and the vehicle has been taken into police custody and a complaint has been registered against the accused at the Nahan police station.

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