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Muck-dumping in Mandi

MUCK has been dumped on the roadside in School Bazaar here, giving an ugly look to the area as well as posing an obstruction to traffic movement. The Mandi MC authorities should clean up this area as soon as possible....
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MUCK has been dumped on the roadside in School Bazaar here, giving an ugly look to the area as well as posing an obstruction to traffic movement. The Mandi MC authorities should clean up this area as soon as possible.

Shivam Gupta, Mandi

Water crisis in Solan


WATER is being supplied after a gap of five to six days here, and when it is supplied, the water pressure is very low. Residents are forced to depend on water tankers. However, thousands of the town’s residents cannot afford this. We urge the government to kindly ensure enough water supply to the residents.

Gaurav, Solan


Stray cattle menace in capital

Stray cattle on the Shimla-Basantpur road has increased over the past few days. These cattle could injure themselves or someone, or even lead to an accident. The authorities are requested to transfer the cattle to a suitable shelter.

Hardayal, Shimla

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