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Open air gym, badminton court installed at DC office complex

Deputy Commissioner Amarjit Singh today inspected the progress of the construction of an open air gym and outdoor badminton court being set up at the mini secretariat here for the public. The free-of-cost facilities would be maintained by the district...
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DC Amarjit Singh inspects the open air gym in Hamirpur.

Deputy Commissioner Amarjit Singh today inspected the progress of the construction of an open air gym and outdoor badminton court being set up at the mini secretariat here for the public. The free-of-cost facilities would be maintained by the district administration with the help of the sports department. The DC had gone for one-month training to Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie, and joined the office today.

Speaking on the occasion, he said the open air gym was constructed at a cost of Rs 5.5 lakh and the badminton court at Rs 4 lakh. He said these facilities would help people stay physically fit and keep youth away from drugs. Since the gym and the court would be in the open, people could use it any time. He added that apart from sports and gym facilities, the administration had also renovated the main building of the mini secretariat and Bachat Bhawan. He said a major part of the building was damaged and rooms and civic amenities were also in bad shape. A lawn for kids, rain shelter, along with ample sitting arrangements would also be developed near the DC office complex. On the occasion, the DC also shared his experiences at LBSNAA with the media.

Assistant Commissioner to Deputy Commissioner Aprajita Chandel, District Public Relation Officer Anil Guleria and other officers of the DC office were also present.


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