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Pickles sweeten lives of women in rural Mandi

Dipender Manta Mandi, June 3 Following the success of Kodra millet laddoos, a women-led Farmers Producer Organisation (FPO) in Sakoh-Siddhapur under the Dharampur Assembly segment of Mandi district has ventured into making seasonal fruit pickles. The women currently sell Lasoda...
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Dipender Manta

Mandi, June 3


Following the success of Kodra millet laddoos, a women-led Farmers Producer Organisation (FPO) in Sakoh-Siddhapur under the Dharampur Assembly segment of Mandi district has ventured into making seasonal fruit pickles.

The women currently sell Lasoda pickle. FPO president Satpal Singh Chauhan, secretary Bhupender Singh, and production centre in-charge Rajni Saklani said the FPO was registered under the name of Leela Devi Memorial Agro Production Centre.


Recently, the FPO introduced aloe vera pickle, locally known as ‘Dwavarehde’, followed by garlic pickle and now Lasoda pickle under the brand name ‘Pahadi Ratna’. President Satpal Singh Chauhan urged women’s self-help groups from other areas to sell their Lasoda produce to FPO, who would then process and market it. The FPO also plans to introduce bamboo shoot pickle during the monsoons.

“Sales will be facilitated through the FPO local sales centres in Tihra, Sandhol, Dharampur, Baroti, Mandap, Sajaopipaloo, and Sadhot” said Singh. He added that the aim of the FPO was to improve women’s economic status by processing local seasonal fruits, strengthening the rural economy. Secretary Bhupender Singh announced that a workshop for 25 women’s groups would be organised in Dharampur on June 10 with support from the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.

“Additionally, we plan to train these women’s groups on mango-based products and mushroom production and ensure that the sale of products prepared by women’s self-help groups happens through the Khuda production centre. For this, a session will be conducted by food processing expert Dr Hardayal Singh Guleria on June 10,” he said.

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