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What Our Readers Say: Roadside parking irks drivers

THE Totu-Jubbarhatti road often witnesses traffic snarls due to people parking vehicles incorrectly along this road. This causes a lot of problems for commuters, especially during rush hours in the mornings and the evenings. The authorities concerned should ensure that...
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THE Totu-Jubbarhatti road often witnesses traffic snarls due to people parking vehicles incorrectly along this road. This causes a lot of problems for commuters, especially during rush hours in the mornings and the evenings. The authorities concerned should ensure that drivers do not park their vehicles on the roadside. —Shivansh, Totu (Shimla)

Banners marring beauty of Ridge

DESPITE being recognised as a heritage place, banners and hoardings have been installed at the Ridge, acting like a stain on the beauty of this culturally rich place. The scenic views of the Ridge are being compromised by such banners and hoardings. The authorities concerned should ensure that the banners and hoardings are removed on priority so that locals and visitors and enjoy the picturesque Ridge. —Ankur, Shimla


Rash driving a menace in shimla

THE Chhota Shimla-Kasumpti road is no stranger to negligent and rash driving, which has been raising fear among pedestrians. Commuters drive recklessly on this stretch of the road with impunity. The police need to keep an eye on such drivers, and penalise them, before any mishap occurs. —Sunila, Shimla


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