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What Our Readers Say: Snarl-ups irk commuters

Commuters are having a hard time on the road from Brockhurst to Chhota Shimla as the stretch is witnessing traffic jams almost every morning. It is turned into a one-way passage from 9 am to 10.30 am, yet the traffic...
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Commuters are having a hard time on the road from Brockhurst to Chhota Shimla as the stretch is witnessing traffic jams almost every morning. It is turned into a one-way passage from 9 am to 10.30 am, yet the traffic movement is quite slow. The authorities concerned should deploy traffic police personnel here and ensure the smooth flow of vehicles. —Ravinder, Shimla

Constructions along highway raise concerns

The state highway leading from Palampur to the famous Andretta village is witnessing a number of roadside constructions. Many of the owners are flouting the general rule that abstains public from constructing buildings within 25 feet from the edge of state highways. The PWD authorities remain silent spectators to illegal constructions, which are likely to pose problems if the government decides to widen this road in future. —Naresh Kumar, Panchrukhi


Shopkeepers encroach upon road to Kangra town

Local shopkeepers have encroached upon the road leading to Kangra town, reducing the motorable width of the road. The narrow road has become quite prone to traffic jams as it becomes a challenge to pass through this stretch whenever vehicles are coming from both sides. Even as commuters face inconvenience every day, the authorities have done doing nothing to remove these encroachments. It is the need of the hour that they conduct an anti-encroachment drive to clear this road. —Vaibhav Sharma, Kangra


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