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FCRA licences of 5 NGOs cancelled by Home Ministry

New Delhi, April 3 The Ministry of Home Affairs has cancelled the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) licences of five prominent NGOs for alleged violation of various provisions of the Act. Can’t utilise funds Won’t be able to receive foreign...
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New Delhi, April 3

The Ministry of Home Affairs has cancelled the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) licences of five prominent NGOs for alleged violation of various provisions of the Act.

Can’t utilise funds

  • Won’t be able to receive foreign contributions or utilise existing funds
  • The NGOs allegedly utilised funds for works not in their mandate

Sources said the NGOs whose registrations had been cancelled were the CNI Synodical Board of Social Services, Voluntary Health Association of India, Indo-Global Social Service Society, Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action and the Evangelical Fellowship of India.


With the cancellation of their FCRA registration, these NGOs will no longer be able to receive foreign contributions or utilise the existing funds.

The sources said the Home Ministry cancelled the FCRA registration of the NGOs for allegedly utilising funds for works that were not in their mandate. The NGOs violated the law by undertaking activities contrary to the provisions of the FCRA, they said.


There were 16,301 NGOs with valid FCRA licences as on July 17, 2023. The MHA data shows nearly half of the fresh FCRA registrations under the religious category are for Christian-run NGOs.

The Centre has cancelled the FCRA licences of over 6,600 NGOs in the past five years for violation of the law. Overall, the FCRA licences of 20,693 NGOs have been cancelled in the past decade.

According to data disclosed in Parliament last year, an amount of Rs 55,741.51 crore was received in foreign contributions by 13,520 FCRA-registered associations or NGOs between the 2019-2020 and 2021-2022 fiscals.

Over the past year, over 100 NGOs, including notable entities such as the Centre for Policy Research, Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust (led by former Congress president Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi) and Oxfam India have lost their FCRA licences due to alleged misuse of foreign grants.

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