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Incorporate green lifestyle into daily lives, reduce carbon emissions: CJI DY Chandrachud

“The foundation of a court must be sound – both in its structural and philosophical capacity"
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Satya Prakash

New Delhi, July 2
Noting that climate change can no longer be ignored, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud on Tuesday exhorted people to incorporate green lifestyle into their daily lives and reduce carbon emissions.

Speaking at the foundation stone-laying ceremony for the construction of three additional court buildings in Delhi, the CJI said, “The foundation of a court must be sound – both in its structural and philosophical capacity. It must subserve no might but the Constitution and be in service of no one but the litigants. Our courts are not merely sights of sovereign power but are also essential public service providers.”


He emphasised that our infrastructure must reflect the reality we live in.

“This year Delhi experienced the hottest recorded weather. We have experienced two heat waves followed by record breaking rain in a single day. Our infrastructure must reflect the reality we live in. Climate change can no longer be ignored. One crucial step is to incorporate a green lifestyle into our daily lives, which includes reducing carbon emissions,” the CJI said.


He said, “I was delighted to know that the new buildings will focus on heat island mitigation and reduce environmental footprint.”

“The court premises like all buildings are not just made of bricks and concrete. They are made up of hope. Courts are made to realise the virtues of justice and the rule of law. Every case that is being filed before us, is with that hope for justice. When we invest in the safety, accessibility and comfort of our judges, lawyers and litigants, we build more than just an efficient system – we make a just and inclusive system,” CJI Chandrachud said.

He said, “Much like how the cornerstone of buildings shape its structure and orientation, the cornerstone of justice and equality must shape the orientation of the court’s approach to cases.

“Our legal and constitutional system is fundamentally premised on the virtues of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. Courts are the guardian of these foundational virtues. We uphold them by enforcing rights based substantive laws and fairness based procedural laws,” he added.

Supreme Court judges Sanjiv Khanna and Hima Kohli, Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena, Delhi High Court Acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Delhi Minister Atishi also attended the event.

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