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India to host its first-ever multination air exercise

US, UK, France, Japan, Australia among 10 participants
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New Delhi, June 16

India will host its first-ever multination air exercise later this year. The Indian Air Force said on Sunday it looked forward to hosting Exercise Tarang Shakti 2024, the first-ever Indian multinational air exercise.

Sources say among the countries sending their air force combat contingents are the US, the UK, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore and the UAE. The exercise will thus have members of the Quad — India, the US, Japan and Australia. It will also have the UK, France and Germany, which are among the top air forces in Europe, and all allies of the US-led NATO. Singapore and the UAE are key partners of India.


The exercise will be held in two phases. The first will be conducted in the southern part of India in the first fortnight of August and the second will be held in August-end to mid-September. Both phases will entail almost four weeks of drills.

The IAF announcement came a day after its pilots ended their participation in Exercise Red Flag 2024 in Alaska, US. The 10-day exercise (June 4-14) comprised an advanced aerial combat training. It saw the participation of the IAF, Republic of Singapore Air Force, Royal Air Force of the UK, Royal Netherlands Air Force, German Luftwaffe and the US Air Force.


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