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PM oath ceremony: Delhi declared no-flying zone from June 9-10, prohibitory order issued

The order is issued by Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora on Friday
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New Delhi, June 7

Delhi Police have imposed prohibitory orders and declared the national capital no-flying zone as Narendra Modi will take oath as the prime minister for third term on June 9, according to an order issued by Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora on Friday.

The prohibitory orders will remain imposed for two days, June 9 and 10, it said.


“It has been reported that certain criminal, anti-social elements or terrorists inimical to India may pose a threat to the safety of the general public, dignitaries and vital installations,” Arora said in the order.

He said, “In exercise of the power conferred upon me by Section 144 of the CrPC prohibiting flying of sub-conventional aerial platforms like para gliders, para-motors, hang gliders, UAVs, UASs, microlight aircraft, remotely piloted aircraft, hot air balloons, small size powered aircraft, quadcopters or even by para jumping from aircraft etc over Delhi during the swearing-in ceremony shall be punishable u/s 188 of the Indian Penal Code.”


As the notice cannot be served individually on all concerned, the order is, hereby, passed ex parte, it said.

The restrictions will come into force on June 9 and stay till June 10, the order said.

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