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Army holds medical camp at Poonch village

Jammu, May 21 Army organised a medical camp for the Gujjar and Bakerwal community members residing in Pir Topa village in Poonch district. The Gujjar and Bakarwals community and their herd of cattle face different challenges in terms of...
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Jammu, May 21

Army organised a medical camp for the Gujjar and Bakerwal community members residing in Pir Topa village in Poonch district.


The Gujjar and Bakarwals community and their herd of cattle face different challenges in terms of health, sanitation and accessibility in the remote inaccessible areas south of Pir Panjal ranges.

“Army, in pursuit to provide concrete measure to ensure implementation of doorstep medical facilities for Gujjar and Bakerwal community, organised a joint medical and veterinary camp at Pir Topa,” an official spokesperson said.


The joint medical and veterinary camp brought together a team of four doctors of Army and six doctors from civil hospital. The medical camp was organised to help the community residing in the remote areas of Poonch district for leading a normal and healthy life, which otherwise is challenging due to the extreme terrain and weather conditions.

Free health checkup and medicines were provided to the patients. Requisite consultation and vaccinations were provided by doctors to the locals to help the invitees avail medical benefits.

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