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15 villages hand over memo to SDM over pollution

  Panchayats of 15 villages, troubled by the pollution caused by dirty water and fly ash emitting from the Mukerian Sugar Mill, gave a memorandum to SDM, Mukerian, regarding their problems. These included Bishanpur, Dugarian, Salaria, Khanpur, Mehatpur, Chakk Alla...
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Panchayats of 15 villages, troubled by the pollution caused by dirty water and fly ash emitting from the Mukerian Sugar Mill, gave a memorandum to SDM, Mukerian, regarding their problems. These included Bishanpur, Dugarian, Salaria, Khanpur, Mehatpur, Chakk Alla Bakhsh, Latifpur, Tangra, Dand, Shagla, Ramgarh Kuliyan, Mandinpur, Mansoorpur, Muradpur and Sherpur.

Representatives of the panchayats said due to the pollution caused by the dirty water and flying ash from the mill since long, the underground water of about 15 villages had become polluted. The main reason was that the mill dumped the dirty water into the ground without cleaning it. Every day a large amount of black ash from the new boiler installed in the mill flies in the air and reaches the villages. The villagers were afraid of spread of respiratory and skin diseases. Panchayats gave a demand letter to SDM, Mukerian, today to resolve their problems.

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