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3 arrested with nine stolen vehicles in Kapurthala

The Kapurthala police arrested three men from whom nine stolen bikes and a scooter have been recovered. Gaurav Toora, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Kapurthala, said a police party apprehended Vicky, a resident of Mohalla Preet Nagar, Parvinder Singh, a...
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The three accused in custody of the Kapurthala police.

The Kapurthala police arrested three men from whom nine stolen bikes and a scooter have been recovered. Gaurav Toora, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Kapurthala, said a police party apprehended Vicky, a resident of Mohalla Preet Nagar, Parvinder Singh, a resident of Dograwal under the Subhanpur police station, and Jagdeep Singh, alias Jaggi, a resident of Kadupur under the Kotwali police station and recovered three stolen Splendour Plus motorcycles. An FIR No. 39 was registered under Sections 303(2), 317(2) and 345(2) of the BNS at Kotwali police station against three accused in this connection.

During interrogation of Vicky, five more Splendour Plus motorcycles and an Activa scooter, stolen by him from different places in the city, were recovered by the police. The police said further investigation was in progress in this connection.

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