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Dengue larvae destroyed at 17 houses in Hoshiarpur

Hoshiarpur June 14 With the advent of summer — Har Shukkarwar Dengue Te Vaar —campaign was launched in the district under the aegis of District Epidemiologist Dr Jagdeep Singh. People were made aware about the measures to be taken to...
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Hoshiarpur June 14

With the advent of summer — Har Shukkarwar Dengue Te Vaar —campaign was launched in the district under the aegis of District Epidemiologist Dr Jagdeep Singh. People were made aware about the measures to be taken to prevent vector-borne diseases during the drive.

Anti-larva teams knocked on the door of 545 houses today during the campaign. Dengue larvae were destroyed in seventeen houses.


Dengue survey was conducted by anti-larva teams in Sunder Nagar, Pritam Nagar, Kache Quarter, Premgarh and other areas of the city today.

The teams checked breeding of mosquitoes and water drainage. Larvicide was sprayed at places where dengue larvae were found.


Dr Jagdeep Singh said as soon as the rainy season starts, vector-borne diseases like dengue, malaria and chikungunya start spreading. He said today, anti-larva wing of the Health Department and multipurpose health workers across the district went door-to-door and drained stagnant water from coolers, pots, items lying on roofs, refrigerator trays and containers for animals and birds. People were asked to keep containers dry to prevent the breeding of larvae, he said.

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